INOVASI 3 - Junior Qualitative Researcher – Ethnographic Studies in Kaltara and Maluku (Consultant)
Background of The Project :
Indonesia’s Vision sets the goal forIndonesia to transition from a resource-based economy towards an advancedservice, technology, and knowledge-based economy by the centenary of itsindependence . The - National Long Term Development Planemphasises the urgency of Indonesia’s human resource development to fullyrealise goals.
Faced however withpersistent low student performance that is emblematic of a learning crisis,significant improvement in student learning will be required to reachIndonesia’s goals. Government of Indonesia (GoI) has started an ambitiousprogram of education reforms. Successive education ministers have set out tomodernise the education system through reforming the national curriculum andteaching and assessment approaches, to produce citizens with strongfoundational skills, open minds, and inclusive values.
Australia is a long-term supporter of theIndonesian basic education sector, with continuous investments supportingeducation quality improvements for the past two decades, including through theINOVASI program (Phase 1 -; Phase 2 -) that focused onsupporting acquisition of literacy and numeracy foundational skills in earlygrades classrooms; exploring local problems and solutions; and generating evidenceto inform government policy development and practices.
This third phase of INOVASI (-) buildsupon the existing program’s approach and lessons learned and takes the focus onthe development of foundational skills through to the end of the primarygrades. Phase 3 will engage with priority issues of Australia’s developmentpolicy : gender equality, effective inclusion of children with a disability,responses to the climate change challenge in education. It will focus on thechallenge of policy implementation and the gaps that exist between national policiesand practices at district and school levels and use the well attested-successof INOVASI’s local problem-based approach to continuously support policydevelopment for effective fit between policy and implementation context.
INOVASI Phase 3 is implemented in 25 districtsand cities across Indonesia, in the provinces of West Nusa Tenggara, East NusaTenggara, North Kalimantan, East Java, West Java, and Maluku. The program alsoworks in Ibu Kota Nusantara (IKN)
The Program is managed by Palladium on behalfof the Government of Australia through the Department of Foreign Affairs andTrade (DFAT).
INOVASIwill conduct qualitative studies, including an ethnographic study on remoteareas and other future ethnographic studies.
Purpose of the Position :
This ToR outlines thescope of work for Junior Qualitative Researcher – ethnographic studies, toundertake qualitative studies, particularly applying ethnographic approach forexploring schooling in remote areas INOVASI Program in Malinau or Nunukan andMaluku Tengah.
Scope of works forfuture research will be determined when the research agenda have been set up.
Duties : Under the direction of Evaluation and Research Specialist, the Junior Qualitative Researchers – ethnographic studies will :
Forfuture studies, the tasks of the researchers will be adjusted accordingly.
Duration of the contract / Timeline :
The duration of the contract is 12 months with maximum 60 of billable workdays, with a possible of extension subject to INOVASI’s needs and satisfactory performance assessment.
Qualifications and Experience :
The JuniorQualitative Researcher – ethnographic study will possess the followingqualifications and experience :
Working with children
Is this position likely to come into contactwith children? Yes No
Application closes on 10 March at 23 : 59 Jakarta Time
Equity, Diversity & Inclusion - Palladium is committed to embedding equity, diversity, and inclusion into everything we do. We welcome applications from all sections of society and actively encourage diversity to drive innovation, creativity, success and good practice. We positively welcome and seek to ensure we achieve diversity in our workforce; and that all job applicants and employees receive equal and fair treatment regardless of their background or personal characteristics. These include : (but are not limited to) socio-economic background, age, race, gender identity and expression, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, nationality, veteran, marital or Indigenous status.
Women are encouraged to apply