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RFT : Panel of Printing and Merchandise Service Provider

RFT : Panel of Printing and Merchandise Service Provider

DT GlobalIndonesia
30+ hari yang lalu
Uraian Tugas

Program Background

The SKALA Program is a significant Australian investment designed to help Indonesia address regional disparities in development. SKALA will contribute to this objective by strengthening selected elements of Indonesia’s large and complex decentralised government system responsible for the delivery of basic services (Layanan Dasar). The SKALA Program’s core approach is to facilitate better collaboration (Kolaborasi) between Indonesian government stakeholders, at national and subnational levels, to help realise synergies (Sinergi) that will trigger improved service delivery. Moreover, SKALA will build on, and take to scale, the successes and learning from Australia’s previous 17 years of support to Indonesia’s decentralised government system. The SKALA Program is to be implemented through the following three pillars :

  • Pillar 1 : Stronger national level enabling environment for sub-national service delivery
  • Pillar 2 : Better sub-national governance for service delivery
  • Pillar 3 : Greater participation, representation and influence for women, people with disabilities and vulnerable groups

SKALA is implemented at the national level with an office in Jakarta and at the subnational level with offices in Aceh, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Maluku, Gorontalo, Kalimantan Utara, Tanah Papua. In addition to the 3 pillars, SKALA works across 4 general themes of Public Financial Management, Minimum Service Standards, Data and Analysis and GEDSI.

About DT Global

DT Global is shaping a future where sustainable development and innovation empower individuals, communities, and nations. We work in partnership with local stakeholders to foster inclusive prosperity, social equity, and environmental stewardship. Our global team of 2,500 staff and experts work in over 90 countries to solve complex problems in the peacebuilding, governance, economic development, environment, and human development sectors. With a track record of technical excellence and more than 60 years of international development experience and relationships, we deliver innovative solutions that transform lives.

For more information, please see

About the Engagement

The selected providers will provide the specifications of printing and merchandise services as requested by SKALA team

  • The preferred providers standby to provide price information for customised printing of SKALA products, such as but not limited to print the brochures, fact sheets, infographics, module, or other printing materials.
  • The preferred providers standby to provide customised price information for the production of SKALA’s souvenirs such as but not limited to produce the tote bags, notebooks, pens, tumbler, and other merchandise.
  • When providing price information, providers will take into account SKALA's preferences including specification, type, size, colour, shipping cost, and delivery time. For printing, the providers also should provide the information about paper thickness and cover type, finishing, binding, and number of copies.
  • Provide a dummy or mock-up of printing material and merchandise before starting the production.
  • Deliver any materials physically to SKALA national and sub-national offices or other locations as requested by SKALA team.
  • Requirements for the RFT

    To access the Request for Tender (RFT) document, please copy and paste this link into a web browser :

    How to Apply?

    Proposals responding to this RFT (including comments on the Contract Template and Due Diligence Partner’s Statement) should be submitted by email to [email protected].


    Any enquiries must be by email to [email protected] by 22 November 2024, no later than 5 PM (Western Indonesia Time / WIB).


    Application must be submitted to [email protected] no later than 22 November 2024, no later than 5 PM (Western Indonesia Time / WIB).

    DT Global is committed to child protection and safeguarding the welfare of children in the delivery of our international development programs. We are committed to Safety and the Prevention of Sexual Abuse and Harassment (PSEAH), and bribery prevention. DT Global is an equal opportunity employer and we encourage women, men, people with diverse backgrounds and people living with disabilities to apply. This program is funded by the Australian Government and Managed by DT Global.